| Abstract |
This lecture discusses immigrant integration in Japan. It focuses on economic and psychological integration. We also explore social and cultural integrations as predictors for economic and psychological integrations. Hence, we investigate integration from different angles and what hinders the integration of immigrants in Japan. We discuss the characteristics of the contexts under which immigrants are received in Japan. This discussion includes immigration control policies, labor market structures, and ethnic communities.
To examine immigrant integration in Japan, we use the statistical data derived from the nationally representative survey targeting immigrants in 2018. To consider economic integration, we focus on the role of education and labor market segmentation in shaping logged hourly wages. For the study of psychological integration, we observe mental health and intentions to settle or return.
| Bio |
Hirohisa Takenoshita is a professor of sociology and stratification research at the Department of Political Science, Keio University. Before joining Keio University, he worked at Shizuoka University and Sophia University. He published several journal articles and book chapters. These articles were published in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, International Migration, Journal of International Migration and Integration, Comparative Social Research, Japanese Journal of Sociology, and Sociological Theory and Methods. Book chapters were published in Routledge, Springer, Palgrave Macmillan, and Trans Pacific Press.
| Date & Time |
u:japan lecture | s07e03
Thursday 2023-11-02, 17:00~18:30
max. 50 participants (on site) + max. 300 participants (online)
| Place & Preparations |
| Plattform & Link |
Meeting-ID: 656 8814 2655 | PW: 311811
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| Further Questions? |
Please contact ujapanlectures.ostasien@univie.ac.at or visit https://japanologie.univie.ac.at/ujapanlectures/s07/#e03.