This volume collects three group projects from Sophia University, University of Vienna and FU Berlin that involve students as researchers at different stages in their academic lives. In all three cases, students actively participated in gathering data for a group project and reflected on their experiences. We emphasise that students, rather than being mere receivers of knowledge, may also actively contribute to academic research and be part of the collaborative production of knowledge. Further, we show how research as a team has to be adjusted, but nevertheless can be conducted despite the troubling circumstances of the pandemic.
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Antonia Miserka is a PhD student at the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Vienna. Her research focusses on rural regions in contemporary Japan, specifically the every-day lives of locals and newcomers within the Aso region in Kumamoto, Japan. In her PhD thesis she analyses the connection between social relationships, regional landscape and well-being of residents of the Aso region.
Sebastian Polak-Rottmann is senior research fellow at the German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ). He received his PhD from the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Vienna in 2022, working on well-being in rural Japan funded by a DOC-team grant of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. His current research focuses on resilience in rural Japan, including community integrated care and political participation. Together with Hanno Jentzsch, he organised the Aso Winter Field School 2022, an online field school for undergraduate and graduate students on the impacts of the pandemic in rural Japan.
Polak-Rottmann, Sebastian / Antonia Miserka (eds.)
2023 Research into Japanese society: Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic (= Beiträge zur Japanologie; 50). Wien: Abteilung für Japanologie, Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften, Universität Wien. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25365/BZJ-050-000.
Preis € 25,- | Preis für Studierende: € 15,- (erhältlich im Sekretariat der Japanologie)
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