INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE | Rural Areas between Decline and Resurgence: Lessons from Japan and Austria


Nov 1-2, 2016 | Room JAP 1, Japanese Studies Section at the Dept. of East Asian Studies * UPDATE: Conference program


As part of its current research project “Aso 2.0”, the Japanese Studies Section hosts a 2-day workshop on “Rural Areas between Decline and Resurgence: Lessons from Japan and Austria“ in order to stimulate intellectual exchange between Austrian and Japanese scholars on topics concerned with rural areas. The conference will feature twelve presentations on the problematic issues of rural economy and demographics, as well as on aspects of subjective well-being and alternatives for the revitalization of the countryside.

Are social and economic conditions in rural areas really as bleak as is often purported by the media and politics alike? Is there regional potential from which to develop strategies for sustainable development? In which way do rural areas in the two countries resemble each other, how do they differ? Can Japan and Austria “learn” from each other?

The conference is open to the public. Participants need not pay a fee but are kindly requested to register by email until Oct 28 at