[TALK] Simon Partner: Dreams Deferred: A Japanese Villager and her Community, 1925-1970


Thu, June 9 2016, 6:30pm

This talk will focus on the life of Sakaue Toshie, the daughter of a tenant farmer in Niigata prefecture, Japan. Born in 1925, Toshie experienced to the full the turmoil and transformation of Japan's "modern century." The talk will examine Toshie's own experiences and those of her village community through the rural depression of the 1930s, the all-out war effort of the 1940s, defeat and occupation, the era of high eco-nomic growth, and the transformation of "peasants" into consumers.

Simon Partner was born in England and attended Cambridge University where he studied English literature. After graduating, he spent twelve years in banking and management consulting, working in India and the USA and completing an MBA. At the age of 32 he returned to graduate school to study Japanese history, completing his PhD at Columbia University in 1997. Although he set out intending to become a business historian, Partner’s interest in history “from the bottom up” led him to concentrate on researching and writing the biographies of unknown individuals – farmers, workers, wives, and merchants. He has published three biographies based on this research, with a fourth currently in publication. Partner is Professor of History at Duke University.

Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften – Japanologie, Seminarraum 1